We"ve gathered answered to the most popular questions we get asked about FindSimilar.com.
FindSimilar.com is a visual product comparison search engine. Using the site, you get to find the best product that fits your needs at the best price – and you can do it all while enjoying beautiful images.
Almost anything you want to shop is available through FindSimilar.com. Baby products, furniture, kitchen appliances, toys, home décor, small appliances, sporting goods, computers, shoes, clothing and apparel are only a few examples of the types of products you can find here.
The same goes for brands. Search for established brands, like Fisher Price, Corelle and Nike, or for newer brands, like GoldieBlox.
We offer products for every budget. Use the left sidebar to filter the price range and you'll only see products that fit you. Under "Price", fill the "from $" and "to $" boxes, then click on "Go".
Here's how to use the site and find the better and/or cheaper products we keep talking about.
Absolutely. While the Internet enables you to buy from every corner of the country – the world, really – and we're more than happy to help you do that, we support your commitment to your local town or region. We also know that sometimes you need something delivered fast or the Free Shipping option , and that's often easier to do when you shop close by.
To do that, enter your zip code at the top of the left sidebar and click on "Go". We'll only show you products that are available in your area.